Hornet WDG

Regular price $379.00

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Hornet WDG provides both preemergent and postemergent selective broadleaf weed control in field corn

Active Ingredients : 
Clopyralid 60.0%
Flumetsulam 18.5%

Manufacturer : Dow AgroSciences

Usage Rate Recommendations :
2 - 6 Ounces per acre

For specific details on control of these target pest and use rates check the label provided

 Alfalfa, volunteer
Amaranth, Palmer
Anoda, spurred
Artichoke, Jerusalem
Beggarweed, Florida
Buckwheat, wild
Burdock, common
Chickweed, common
Clover, red
Clover, sweet
Cocklebur, common
Dock, curly
Horseweed (marestail)
Lambsquarters, common
Lettuce, prickly
Mallow, venice
Morningglory, entireleaf
Morningglory, ivyleaf
Morningglory, tall
Mustard, wild
Nightshade species
Pigweed, redroot
Pigweed, smooth
Poinsettia, wild
purslane, common
Ragweed, common
Ragweed, giant
Shepherd’s purse
Sida, prickly
Smartweed, Pennsylvania
Sorrel, red
Spurge, nodding
Spurge, prostrate
Spurge, spotted
Sunflower, common
Thistle, Canada
Thistle, Russian
Waterhemp species
Wormwood, biennial 

For specific details on these areas of use and use rates check the label provided

Field Corn

This product is not registered for use in the following states:

  • AZ
  • CA
  • FL
  • ID
  • MT
  • NV
  • OK
  • OR
  • UT
  • WA

At this time ChemicalWarehouse does not ship pesticides outside of the Continental United States. (No shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico, US Military Bases, or US Territories)