Product Description:
Veltima fungicide is everything you deserve. With its combination of faster curative activity, easier application and longer residual, its the protection you can turn to.Veltyma Fungicide

Navicon Intrinsic
Product Details
CW SKU: ES11173
Description: Veltima fungicide is everything you deserve. With its combination of faster curative activity, easier application and longer residual, its the protection you can turn to when you need to be confident your fungicide will perform. Even in the absence of disease, its proven BASF Plant Health technology helps corn growers make every bushel count.
Manufacturer: BASF
Physical State : Liquid
Comparable Products: Navicon Intrinsic
Restricted Use Pesticide : No
Restricted States : CA; HI
Haz Mat : No
Expedited Shipping Available : No
International: At this time ChemicalWarehouse does not ship pesticides outside of the Continental United States. (No shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico, US Military Bases, or US Territories)Use Rate
Target Pests
Alternaria brown spotAnthracnose
Ascochyta blight
Asian soybean rust
Bipolaris leaf spot
Black dot
Black mold
Black pit
Black Point
Brown rust
Brown spot
Cercospora blight
Cercospora leaf spot
Common leaf spot
Crown rust
Cylindrocladium black rot
Downy mildew
Early blight
Early leaf spot
Frogeye leaf spot
Fusarium seed rot
Gray leaf spot
Greasy spot
Helminthosporium leaf spot
Late blight
Late leaf spot
Leaf blotch
Leaf rust
Leaf spot/blight
Mycosphaerella blight
Net blotch
Northern corn leaf blight
Northern leaf blight
Orange rust
Pepper spot
Physoderma brown spot
Pod blight
Postbloom fruit drop
Powdery mildew
Purple leaf spot
Purple seed stain
Rhizoctonia aerial blight
Rhizoctonia blight/black patch
Rhizoctonia limb rot, Peg rot, Pot rot
Rhizoctonia seed and seedling rot
Rhizoctonia stem rot
Rust, common
Sclerotina blight
Sclerotium rot
Seedling blight
Septoria leaf and glume blotch
Septoria leaf spot
Southern blight
Southern corn leaf blight
Southern stem rot
Spot blotch
Spring black stem and leaf spot
Stagonosphora leaf spot
Stem blight
Stem rust
Stemphylium leaf spot
Stripe rust
Sugarcane pineapple disease
Summer black stem and leaf spot
Tan spot
Tar spot
Target spot
Web blotch
White rust
Yellow leaf blight
Yellow leaf blotch For specific details on control of these target pest and use rates check the label provided
Areas of Use
Fruiting Vegetables
Grass Grown for Seed
Legume Vegetables (except soybean and edamame)
Non-grass Forages
Small Grains (barley, oats, rye, triticale, wheat)
Soybean and Edamame
Sugar Beets
Tuberous and Corm Vegetables For specific details on these areas of use and use rates check the label provided