Product Description:
Aliette WDG Fungicide provides control of select fungal and bacterial diseases in a variety of fruits and vegetables. Commonly applied as a foilar application both preventatively and after signs of disease showAliette WDG Fungicide

Chipco Signature
Alternative Product :

Fosal Select
Alternative Product :

Fosetyl-Al 80 WDG
Product Details
CW SKU: ES10280
Manufacturer: Bayer
Physical State : Dry
Comparable Products: Chipco Signature
Restricted Use Pesticide : No
Restricted States : MS; MT; SD; WY
Haz Mat : No
Expedited Shipping Available : No
International: At this time ChemicalWarehouse does not ship pesticides outside of the Continental United States. (No shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico, US Military Bases, or US Territories)Use Rate
2 - 5 Pounds per acre
Target Pests
Almond pruning-wound CankerAlternaria Brown Spot
Alternaria Fruit Rot
Alternaria Leaf Blight
Anthracnose Fruit Rot
Apple Blister Spot
Asparagus Spear Slime
Blue Mold
Brown Rot
Crown Rot
Damping Off
Downy Mildew
Fire Blight
Grape Downy Mildew
Heart Rot
Hop Downy Mildew
Ice-nucleating bacteria
Leather Rot
Phomopsis Canker
Phytophthora Canker
Phytophthora Collar Rot
Phytophthora Foliar Rot
Phytophthora Foot Rot
Phytophthora Fruit Rot
Phytophthora Raceme Blight
Phytophthora Root Rot
Purple Blotch
Red Stele
Root Disease Complex
White Rust For specific details on control of these target pest and use rates check the label provided
Areas of Use
AsparagusAvocado (Non-Bearing and Bearing)
Brassica Crop Grouping
Caneberry Subgroup
Citrus (Non-Bearing and Bearing)
Cucurbit Crop Grouping
Grapes (East of the Rocky Mountains Only)
Leafy Vegetable Crop Grouping
Macadamia Nuts
Onion (Dry Bulb)
Pome Fruit (Non-Bearing and Bearing)
Stone Fruit and Almond (Non-Bearing)
Tomato For specific details on these areas of use and use rates check the label provided