Product Description:
TURFCIDE® 400 is powered by PCNB, a multi-site contact fungicide with a unique mode of action that has been used for snow mold control for over 50 years, and for good reason. PCNB is widely recognized as the most effective single active ingredient for control of all three major snow mold pathogens, and dozens of university snow mold field trials prove it. Use Turfcide 400 as the backbone of your snow mold fungicide program to maximize protection from pink and gray snow molds.Turfcide 400

Product Details
CW SKU: ES11164
Manufacturer: Amvac
Physical State : Liquid
Restricted Use Pesticide : No
Restricted States : ME
Haz Mat : No
Expedited Shipping Available : No
International: At this time ChemicalWarehouse does not ship pesticides outside of the Continental United States. (No shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico, US Military Bases, or US Territories)Use Rate
Target Pests
AnthracnoseBrown Patch
Dollar Spot
Gray Snow Mold
Leaf Spot
Melting Out
Pink Snow Mold For specific details on control of these target pest and use rates check the label provided
Areas of Use
Athletic FieldsGolf Course Fairways
Golf Course Greens
Golf Course Tees
Industrial Parks
Sod Farms For specific details on these areas of use and use rates check the label provided