Product Description:
Hydrothol 191 is a liquid formulation that provides control of both weeds and algae. Used primarily as an algicide at rates of 0.05-0.3 ppm, it provides excellent control of a broad spectrum of algae including planktonic, filamentous, and branched algae.Hydrothol 191

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Product Details
CW SKU: ES10958
Description: Hydrothol 191 is a liquid formulation that provides control of both weeds and algae. Used primarily as an algicide at rates of 0.05-0.3 ppm, it provides excellent control of a broad spectrum of algae including planktonic, filamentous, and branched algae. Hydrothol 191 also provides control of aquatic vascular plants and can be tank-mixed with Aquathol® K to improve the efficacy on difficult-to-control weeds. Hydrothol 191, works relatively quickly providing algae control in just a few days, and weed control similar to Aquathol® K. There are no restrictions on treated water used for swimming, fishing or irrigation.
Manufacturer: UPL
Physical State : Liquid
Restricted Use Pesticide : No
Restricted States : AK; HI
Haz Mat : No
Expedited Shipping Available : No
International: At this time ChemicalWarehouse does not ship pesticides outside of the Continental United States. (No shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico, US Military Bases, or US Territories)Use Rate
1 - 6.8 gallons per acre foot
Target Pests
BranchedBrazilian Elodea
Horned Pondweed
Sago Pondweed
Water Stargrass For specific details on control of these target pest and use rates check the label provided