Product Description:
Abamectin 0.15 EC provides reliable, long-lasting control of mites and leafminers along with suppression of whitefly, thrips and aphids on foliage plants, woody ornamentals and Christmas trees.Abamectin 0.15EC

Avid 0.15EC
Product Details
CW SKU: ES11857
Manufacturer: Quali-Pro
Physical State : Liquid
Comparable Products: Avid 0.15EC
Restricted Use Pesticide : No
Restricted States : AK
Haz Mat : No
Expedited Shipping Available : No
International: At this time ChemicalWarehouse does not ship pesticides outside of the Continental United States. (No shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico, US Military Bases, or US Territories)Use Rate
Target Pests
AphidsBroad Mites
Carmine Spider Mites
Cyclamen Mites
European Red Mites
Liriomyza Leafminers
Rust Mites
Southern Red Mites
Spruce Spider Mites
Tarsonemid Mites
Two-spotted Spider Mites
Whiteflies For specific details on control of these target pest and use rates check the label provided
Areas of Use
Christmas treesField-grown ornamentals
Foliage plants
Greenhouse-grown ornamentals
Shadehouse-grown ornamentals
Woody ornamentals For specific details on these areas of use and use rates check the label provided