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Type: Fungicide

Mode of Action: Multi-site Contact Activity, Phthalimides / Inhibiting the enzymes required for energy production

Common Product Names: Captan 

What is it?

Captan is a non-systemic fungicide that has been widely used in agriculture since the 1950s. Captan is a contact fungicide, meaning it must physically cover the plant surface to be effective. It is a versatile active ingredient, effective against a broad spectrum of fungal pathogens. Captan is commonly applied to fruit trees, berries, vegetables, and ornamental plants to prevent and control diseases such as apple scab, leaf spot, blights, and molds.

How does it work?

Captan works by targeting the fungal spores' outer protective layer, causing them to break down. Once the spores' protective barriers are compromised, Captan disrupts the enzymes responsible for energy production in fungal cells. This mode of action prevents the fungi from growing and reproducing, thereby controlling the spread of the disease. The time to see results after application can vary depending on the disease and environmental conditions, but effects are generally observed within days to weeks.


  • Preventative Action: Captan is primarily used as a preventative fungicide, offering protection before fungal infections take hold.
  • Broad-Spectrum Control: Effective against a wide variety of fungal diseases, making it a versatile tool for farmers and gardeners.
  • Quick Results: Captan acts quickly, often showing results within a few days of application.
  • Post-Harvest Protection: Can be used on fruits and vegetables to protect against decay during storage.
  • Residue Management: Captan breaks down relatively quickly in the environment, reducing concerns about long-term residues on crops.

  • Key Diseases Controlled by Captan in Strawberries

    Captan is widely used to control several common fungal diseases in strawberries, including:

    • Botrytis Fruit Rot (Gray Mold): One of the most damaging diseases in strawberries, Botrytis can lead to significant losses, especially in wet, humid conditions.
    • Leaf Spot: This disease can cause small, round spots on strawberry leaves, leading to premature leaf drop and reduced plant vigor.
    • Anthracnose: A fungal disease that can cause black, sunken lesions on the fruit, stems, and runners, leading to significant yield loss.
    • Phomopsis Leaf Blight: A disease that causes leaf spots and blights, potentially reducing the photosynthetic capacity of the plant.

    How Captan is Applied to Strawberries

    Captan is typically applied as a protective fungicide in strawberry fields. Here’s how it is used:

    • Pre-Harvest Applications: Captan is often applied multiple times throughout the growing season, especially during periods of high humidity or wet weather, which are conducive to fungal growth. It is usually applied as a foliar spray to protect the plants and developing fruit from infection.
    • Post-Harvest Applications: In some cases, Captan can be used after harvest to protect strawberries from post-harvest diseases during storage and transport, helping to maintain fruit quality.

    Mode of Action in Strawberries

    As a contact fungicide, Captan works by forming a protective barrier on the surface of the strawberry plants. When fungal spores come into contact with this barrier, Captan disrupts their ability to grow and reproduce by interfering with critical enzyme systems involved in energy production. This mode of action makes Captan particularly effective when applied before the onset of disease symptoms.

    Timing and Application Rates

    • Preventative Use: Captan is most effective when used preventatively, before disease symptoms appear. In strawberries, this often means beginning applications early in the season, especially when weather conditions favor disease development.
    • Frequency of Application: Depending on the weather and disease pressure, Captan may be applied every 7 to 14 days during the growing season. However, growers must adhere to local regulations regarding the maximum number of applications and pre-harvest intervals.

    Benefits of Using Captan in Strawberries

    • Broad-Spectrum Control: Effective against a variety of fungal diseases that commonly affect strawberries, helping to ensure a healthy crop.
    • Prevents Disease Spread: By applying Captan preventatively, growers can significantly reduce the risk of disease outbreaks and the subsequent spread of infection within the field.
    • Compatible with IPM: Captan can be integrated into an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program, often in combination with other fungicides, to reduce the risk of resistance development.
    • Safe for Use Near Harvest: With appropriate application timing, Captan can be used relatively close to harvest, providing continued protection as the fruit ripens.
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